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The majority of issues raised by parents, or pupils, are concerns rather than complaints.  Shirley Heath Junior School is committed to taking concerns seriously, at the earliest stage, in the hope of keeping the number of formal complaints to a minimum and without recourse to formal procedures.  However, in those instances where a parent doesn’t feel a concern has been addressed, or it is of sufficient gravity, then the school’s formal complaints’ procedure should be used.  The prime aim of Shirley Heath Junior School’s policy is to resolve the complaint as fairly and speedily as possible.  Formal complaints will be dealt with in a sensitive, impartial and confidential manner.


For further advice and guidance about the school’s Complaints Procedure, please contact Solihull Council’s Schools Information Officer on 0121-704 8536.


Solihull Council operates a complaints procedure that can be obtained from the Complaints Manager – Customer Feedback (telephone 0121 704 6761).  In respect of school complaints, the Council will only consider any complaint if the school procedure, as set out in the document, has been fully exhausted.




SEN Complaints

What are the arrangements for making a complaint? Complaints in general should initially be discussed with the class teacher; the SENCo can also be contacted with any concerns. If the matter is not resolved there is an official complaints procedure, a copy of which may be obtained from the school office or from our school website: 
