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British Values and Life in Modern Britain

Promoting Fundamental British Values.


Shirley Heath Junior School approaches the promotion of fundamental British Values in line with the Government’s PREVENT theme of the anti-terrorist strategy CONTEST. These British Values are: democracy; individual liberty; the rule of law; mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. British Values are promoted in assemblies each week. It is everyone’s duty to ensure they do not undermine fundamental British values as detailed in the current Teacher Standards Part Two: Personal and Professional Conduct. 


At Shirley Heath, we ensure that British values are continually taught and discussed throughout the curriculum.

We believed it was important for children to develop an understanding of democracy at the beginning of their learning journey with us, which is why Year 3 complete a study of Ancient Greece, ready to build and consolidate their understanding in other units and within wider school life.

Mutual respect and tolerance for all faiths and beliefs is promoted in the teaching of R.E. Key themes and questions within Hinduism, Christianity and Sikhism are all started in Year 3 allowing our children to gain a greater understanding of religious diversity as they progress throughout the key stage. mutual respect is also a key concept in our PSHE curriculum, with celebrating difference being a key theme that runs throughout all year groups. Our P.E lessons encourage mutual respect through the concept of ‘fair play’ in sporting competition, where success is celebrated and defeat accepted.

Rule of law is developed throughout our PSHE curriculum, within our ‘Being me in my world’ unit children begin by learning why we need rules and responsibilities in Year 3, then develop this understanding in years 4, 5 & 6 by learning how behaviour and choices can affect others and the world around them. 

Individual liberty is promoted, as children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school, we educate and provide boundaries for our children to make these choices safety, through of provision of a safe environment and empowering education; for example, through our E-Safety and PSHE lessons. 

