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School Councillors

What do we do

Our School Council is a formal group of pupils who act as representatives of their classmates in discussing school issues with our headteacher and staff. It’s a brilliant way of representing and contributing to Pupil Voice at Shirley Heath. One boy and one girl are elected by their classmates which means we have 28 members of the School Council!

We are elected annually to represent the views of all pupils and we help to make decisions about how Shirley Heath is run. We even help recruit new teachers!

What has the school council achieved?


  1. Survey - throughout the year we help staff improve the subjects they teach by completing surveys and sharing ideas
  2. Made changes to playtime choices- sand, digging, sensory hut
  3. Brought back Golden Ticket to enable children to choose the dinner menu for a week
  4. Voted  to spend money on playtime equipment
  5. New books for the library
  6. Eco-team- litter picking
  7. Voted on prize boxes to make sure that children receive prizes they value for their effort at  the end of each term
  8. Asked for football to be reviewed
  9. Given feedback on our mental health and how to support it


Going forward we would like-


  1. A meeting with kitchen staff 
  2. Front playground equipment needs attention for when the field is closed