Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports, and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
Some statements taken from the Report are below.
Teaching is outstanding because teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve.
Inspirational learning opportunities make pupils eager to learn and sustain their excellent progress and outstanding achievement throughout the school.
The behaviour of pupils in and around school is exemplary.
The school’s broad and inspiring curriculum is reinforced by a very wide range of clubs, visits and activities that creates enthusiastic and empowered learners.
In lessons, teachers constantly demand the highest standards, reflected in the pupils’ presentation of work in books, which is of very-high quality.
Pupils’ excellent progress throughout the school enables them to leave Year 6 attaining highly in all subjects, illustrated by the high numbers reaching Level 5 and, increasingly, Level 6.
Leadership and management are outstanding, with drive and vision that inspire all staff to seek excellence and show outstanding commitment.
The governing body is highly effective because it is closely involved in the life of the school and has a good understanding of the data on pupils’ progress to enable it to hold the school to account for its performance.
There is no discrimination in this harmonious, purposeful community.
Shirley Heath is leading the way in Solihull by being the first junior school to achieve ‘outstanding’ status twice.