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Our school thinks that your child is of great importance and we believe that to be able to learn they need to be happy, confident, understand themselves, understand their feelings and know how to get on with each other and make friends. 

At Shirley Heath the children will be given opportunities to reflect on and develop their personal skills and qualities. They will be encouraged to use the mindfulness technique to reflect on their thoughts. They will be equipped to deal with friendship issues - supported by peer mediators as necessary. The children will be equipped to deal positively with today’s world including issues such as body image, bullying and friendships. The children will develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally through their P.S.H.E. lessons, supported through the teaching of R.E. assemblies and cross-curricular discussions.

The Jigsaw scheme we follow was chosen as it works alongside our vision. We follow a common theme in each year group each half term and knowledge and skills are built upon each year.



As children develop, we try to make them aware of the factors that lead to a healthy life.  Through a Personal and Social Development curriculum, aspects of relationships with others, personal hygiene and diet are taught in line with the ethos promoted in school.  Provision is made to take into account the development into puberty and lessons are given according to a programme approved by the governors.  Parents are informed of lessons on this sensitive topic prior to the programme being taught.  The School Nurse can be involved in the delivery of these lessons. 


The aims of the sex and relationship lessons are to-

  • Develop confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings, relationships and themselves.
  • Be able to name parts of the body and describe how their bodies work.
  • Be able to protect themselves and ask for help and support.
  • Be prepared for puberty.
    We have been awarded our Healthy Schools Status and will continue to promote healthy life styles to our school community through our curriculum.